WP8 experimental workshop

15-21 April 2016


Center for Physical Sciences and Technology



04 November 2015


Bern University of

Applied Sciences








WP2 Meeting

15 July 2015



Bern University of Applied Sciences


-Short presentation of recent work and results at BUAS (A. Burn)

-Short presentation of recent work and results at FTMC (P. Gecys)

-Collection of problems and challenges to be solved in order to reach Milestones and finish Deliverables on time

-WP2 self-evaluation: what is the overall goal of WP2? Do we address all relevant questions with the sum of our activities?

-Outlook: which are the current trends and what should assessment labs be able to offer for extending validation service to upcoming (solar cell) technologies (input EMPA, Flisom, discussion)



"Online Monitoring in Laser Processing"

5th of June, 2015

LUT Laser, Future Factory,

Tuotantokatu 2, Lappeenranta,


Workshop presentations


Program outline:

- Development and validation of on-line laser processing mng and beam control systems.onitori


- On-line process control during the assessment experiments.


- Tool assessment and tool integration into laser processing monitoring.


- Real-Time control and control algorithms development in laser Processing.



Workshop program


"Laser processing in Photovoltaics"



Auditory at IOM Leipzig,

Permoserstrasse 15, Leipzig, Germany





"New Processes and Opportunities in Use of Laser Technologies in Industry"



16th June, 2014 

Radisson Blu Lietuva, 

Konstitucijos Ave. 20, Vilnius, Lithuania

Gediminas Račiukaitis (FTMC)APPOLO and other European opportunities for laser technology development and implementation 


Heidi Pilli (LUT)Laser welding and its industrial applications


Heidi Pilli (LUT)Laser additive manufacturing (3D-printing) of metallic materials 


Grzegorz Chrobak (IPG Photonics Poland): IPG photonics: Development and applications of fiber lasers


Židrius Markauskas (Rolands Moisejs): Trumpf: novelties of laser systems


Jonas Klimantavičius (ELAS): Equipment for laser technologies made in Lithuania



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