
APPOLO project was presented during popular science show Mokslo Sriūba on the second Lithuanian National Television channel (LRT KULTŪRA) and on major Lithuanian web portal DELFI.






2015 July

Tarptautinis projektas APPOLO


Fizinių ir technologijos mokslų centre (FTMC) šiuo metu įgyvendinamas tarptautinis projektas APPOLO, kurio tikslas – kurti ir testuoti lazerines technologijas pramonei. Lietuvio mokslininko vadovaujamame projekte dalyvauja net 22 partneriai iš 9 šalių, dar 15 naujų partnerių prie projekto prisijungia šią vasarą. Tik septyni partneriai iš šio didelio konsorciumo yra mokslo institucijos. Įgyvendinamas projektas truks dar dvejus metus.
2013 m. pradėtu įgyvendinti projektu siekiama apjungti mokslininkų sukauptas žinias, mokslinių tyrimų ir institutų patirtį bei lazerinės įrangos vartotojų poreikius ir kurti modernias bei pažangias technologijas lazeriais paremtai gamybai įvairioms pramonės sritims. Lazerių taikymų laboratorijos visoje Europoje yra sujungtos į vieną virtualų tinklą, kuriame sukauptos žinios ir informacija apie turimą infrastruktūrą, siekiant skatinti šių technologijų prieinamumą, rašoma pranešime spaudai.


Skaitykite daugiau - http://www.delfi.lt/




2015 April



2:33 minutes of iterview during APPOLO Meeting in BIOAGE (Lamezia Terme)








2015 April










2015 April






 2015 Jan 

APPOLO Y1 Publishable Summary

The APPOLO project cover activities on technical, technological and economical assessment of new equipment supplied by project partners in 8 complex assessment value chains and preparation of standardised procedures for the assessment service with can be provided for new project partners and customers beyond. 

All activities  of the  APPOLO project during the first year of implementation were performed  according to the workplan. The first year of the project covered a lot of preparation work on establishing management structures, dissemination, exploitation, quality assurance strategies and plans. RTD work was concentrated on adaptation of equipment prototypes by their suppliers: lasers, polygon scanner, on-line monitoring tools and small processing systems to the requirements of selected industrial application fields: photovoltaics, automotive and printing/decoration. Laser companies Ekspla, onefive, Time Bandwidth Products have made significant progress in development of updated versions of  the selected  ultra-short pulse  laser sources planned for the assessment experiments in fast and precise surface structuring and thin-film scribing. Next Scan Technologies improved control of its polygon  line scanner and designed updated versions with reduced focused beam spot and increase line length. AMSYS moved forward with its novel on-line monitoring tools for the process control, critically analysing existing and new approaches for optical monitoring. The tools will be integrated by ELAS in its upgraded laser machine  and used in  the  laser technology validation at FTMC. Mondragon prepared the bench tool for UPM – a machine for laser and process assessment which are important for Abengoa. IOM spent most of the time in preparation and validation of the online monitoring tool for laser scribing, while LUT was validating their advanced monitoring equipment for laser microfabrication applications. Continuation of past collaboration of the partner’s groups ONEFIVE -BUAS - EMPA, BUAS – NST - DG, UPM – Mondragon – Abengoa, Lightmotif - CRF, IOM  –  SWG, FTMC  -  CRF led to extended progress in the laser technology assessment with solid background for the use of validated equipment and technologies in industrial processes by BioAge, Flisom, Fiat, Daetwyler and Sächsische Walzengravur, as  the  end-users.  The technology validation process started with the lasers available at application laboratories and standard demo laser and polygon, provided by the partners.


The links of the on line news paper that mention the Appolo meeting:











































Full press release




 2014 Jun

APPOLO Project Activities Raises International Echo

In the first half of 2014 the FP7 project  “Hub of Application Laboratories for  Equipment Assessment in Laser Based Manufacturing” (APPOLO) and its 21 project members demonstrated  high user relevance and networking activities within the laser-based industries. In just 6 months they showed presence at over 16 international conferences and exhibitions promoting the upcoming APPOLO assessment activities all over the world connecting researchers, suppliers, manufacturers and end-users of laser.

Gediminas Račiukaitis, Project Coordinator of APPOLO can already see internalized benefits of the ex-change of APPOLO partners with external potential customers along the value chain in different indus-tries: “It is amazing to see, how HUB members act in a fruitful crowd not only representing their own company, but also promoting the APPOLO project and discussing the recent efforts in the APPOLO pro-ject.  By that, we can add distinct industry needs to the diverse and complex structure of the APPOLO assessment chains.”

The APPOLO project seeks to establish and coordinate connections between the end-users, which have demand on laser technologies for (micro)fabrication, knowledge accumulated in the application laborat o-ries of research institutes and universities and the laser equipment manufacturers (preferable SMEs: for integration, lasers, beam control an d guiding, software, etc.) in order to facilitate faster validation of the process feasibility and adaptation or customization of the technology (equipment) for manufacturing co n-ditions, including reliability of components and their interaction as well as  assessment of the dedicated production processes in terms of the process speed, quality and repeatability. 

Core of the consortium consist of laser application laboratories around Europe which are connected to a virtual hub to accumulate knowledge and infrastructure and promote the easy-to-access environment for development and validation of laser-based technologies. All partners selected a few directions (clusters) for validation of novel laser technologies, including equipments: the ultra -short pulse laser scribing for monolithic interconnects in CIGS solar cells: from laser to pilot line; use of lasers in smart surface textur-ing for automotive and printing/decoration industries and for the real -3D flexible electronics. Innovative SMEs are related to large system-integrators and end-users through the application laboratories. 

Full press release



 2013 Sep

On September 1st, 2013, Center for Physical Sciences and Technology (Vilnius, Lithuania) together with other 20 partners in Europe and Israel are launching a new 48-month long integrated FP7 project APPOLO “Hub of Application Laboratories for Equipment Assessment in Laser Based Manufacturing”.  

The APPOLO project seeks to establish and coordinate connections between the end-users, which have demand on laser technologies for (micro)fabrication, knowledge accumulated in the application laboratories of the research institutes and universities and the laser equipment manufacturers (preferably SMEs) for novel lasers, beam control and guiding, etc. and their integration in order to facilitate faster validation of the process feasibility and adaptation of the equipment for manufacturing conditions, as well as assessment of the dedicated production processes in terms of the process speed, quality and economic issues as well. Core of the consortium consists of laser application laboratories around Europe which are connected into a virtual hub to accumulate knowledge and infrastructure and promote the easy-to-access environment for development and validation of laser-based technologies. All partners selected a few directions for assessment of novel laser technologies: in ultra-short pulse laser scribing for monolithic interconnections in thin film CIGS solar cells: from laser to pilot line; use of the lasers in smart surface texturing for automotive and printing/decoration industries and for 3D flexible electronics.


Implementation of the APPOLO project will help partners from European photonics industry to preserve their competitiveness and penetrate new niches in the global market. The equipment builders for automotive, photovoltaics, electronics and printing industries will benefit from faster integration of innovative technologies which will provide the new-quality consumer products, including low-cost and high-efficiency solar cells, comfortable interior and functionality of cars, smart sensors for environmental monitoring.


FTMC news


Hub of Application Laboratories for Equipment Assessment in Laser Based Manufacturing


Center for Physical Sciences and Technology (Vilnius, Lithuania) together with other 20 partners are launching a new 48-month long integrated FP7 project APPOLO “Hub of Application Laboratories for Equipment Assessment in Laser Based Manufacturing”. Others EPIC members: Next Scan Technologies, Onefive and Time Bandwidth Products are in the consortium. The project will establish connections between the end-users, which have demand on laser technologies for (micro)fabrication, knowledge accumulated in the application laboratories of the research institutes and universities and the laser equipment manufacturers (preferable SMEs) for novel lasers, beam control and guiding, etc. and their integration in order to facilitate faster validation of the process feasibility and adaptation of the equipment for manufacturing conditions, as well as assessment of the dedicated production processes in terms of the process speed, quality and economic issues as well. www.ftmc.lt




EPIC Newsletter #12

July-September 2013


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